
The Sexual activity of the elderly, let’s talk…..

这些好处包括降低血压、缓解慢性疼痛、改善睡眠质量、降低患心脏病和前列腺癌的风险。然而,老年人可能面临身体能力变化、激素水平下降和性需求不同等挑战。重新定义性对您和您的伴侣意味着什么非常重要。有很多方法可以保持牢固、健康的性关系,而不必总是依赖定期性交。这可能意味着改变你们彼此取悦的方式、遵循的惯例和频率。沟通在任何关系中都至关重要,谈论性也很重要。大多数合作伙伴都是开放的,如果有机会的话愿意讨论和分享。重点应该放在情感联系上,并在身体方面之外共度美好时光。. These benefits include lowering blood pressure, easing chronic pain, improving sleep quality, reducing the risk of heart disease and prostate cancer. However, older adults may face challenges such as changes in their physical abilities, declining hormone levels, and different sexual needs. It is important to redefine what sex means to you and your partner. There are many ways to continue a strong, healthy sexual relationship without always relying on regular intercourse. It could mean changing how you pleasure each other, routines you follow, and frequency. Communication is vital in any relationship and talking about sex is important. Most partners are open and willing to discuss and share if given a chance. The emphasis should be on emotional bonding and spending quality time together beyond the physical side.

PF4 and Brain Aging: Rejuvenating Cognitive Function

Scientists have discovered exciting new insights about how to improve brain health as we age. They’ve found that a special hormone called klotho, young blood infusions, and exercise can all help our brains work better, especially in older mice and humans. These discoveries were a mystery until recently.

In a set of three scientific papers published in respected journals (Nature, Nature Aging, and Nature Communications), researchers made a breakthrough. They explored how the hormone klotho, a part of our blood called Platelet Factor 4 (PF4), exercise, the creation of new brain cells (neurogenesis), and thinking abilities are all linked as we get older. These studies show that Platelet Factor 4 (PF4), which comes from our blood, might be a big reason why exercise is good for our brains.

Study 1: Platelet Factor 4 (PF4) and Better Thinking as We Age

This research looked into ways to help our brains stay sharp as we get older. It turns out that Platelet Factor 4 (PF4), which is in our blood, can pass on the benefits of young blood to an aging brain. When they gave old mice young blood with lots of platelets, it helped their brains work better. This was because PF4 reduced inflammation in a part of the brain called the hippocampus, which is important for memory. This discovery suggests that PF4 could be a key to reducing inflammation and improving memory as we age.https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06436-3

Study 2: Klotho and How It Boosts Brainpower

This study explored how a hormone called klotho affects our brains. Klotho makes our blood release Platelet Factor 4 (PF4), which is good for our brains. Giving PF4 to young mice improved their thinking and the connections between brain cells. Even when PF4 was missing in mice with klotho, they still had better brain function. This means there might be other unknown things that help klotho improve our brains. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10501899/

Study 3: How Exercise and Platelet Factor 4 (PF4) Keep Our Brains Young

This research focused on how exercise and Platelet Factor 4 (PF4) can help our brains stay young. Platelets, which are in our blood, play a big role in the brain benefits of exercise. PF4, a special thing released by platelets during exercise, boosts the growth of new brain cells and makes our thinking better. Giving PF4 to older mice worked like exercise and improved their brainpower. This study shows that PF4 can fight the decline in brain function that happens with age.https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-39873-9

Putting It All Together: These three studies tell us that Platelet Factor 4 (PF4) from our blood is a major player in keeping our brains healthy and thinking well. When we exercise, our platelets release PF4, which helps our brain cells grow and function better. These findings open doors for new treatments to fight age-related brain problems. Using Platelet Factor 4 (PF4) could lead to new ways to keep our brains sharp as we get older.
